Masoala birdwatching tour

Based at the Arol ecolodge towards the southern tip of the Masoala peninsula, we walk the trails through the forests and farmland. We will see Ground roller species (Scaly, short-legged & Pitta-like), couas (red-fronted, red-breasted and blue); vangas including the wonderful helmet vanga with a huge blue bill and the very restricted Bernier’s vanga. Cost per person based on 4 participants: 550Euros

Bespoke Birding/wildlife tour

We can visit a number of parks, the island of Nosy Mangabe, the Makira forest - remote but excellent habitat for many specialised endemics. We can take a longer route through the Masoala peninsula.

Beach and Wildlife

For those wanting to be more at leisure, part of the day on the sandy bayside beach can be combined with strolling through the forest looking at lemurs, chameleons and birds.